Your Landing Pages Are Your Storefront

Landing pages are a crucial part of your digital marketing strategy. They are the storefront of the digital world. 81 percent of online shoppers perform extensive research before they make a purchase. That is 81 out of 100 people that consider your brand carefully before making a decision. They will be comparing a number of different options before deciding on the winner. 

Put yourself into the shoes of a consumer for a brief second or two. Would you rather buy from a website that looks attractive, speaks your language, throws you attractive offers or from a website that looks like the back of your fridge after a busy week? The choice seems fairly straightforward in my opinion.

Stop Wasting Your Advertising Budget

My car recently had a problem with air conditioning. It decided to stop cooling. I kept refilling the system with the gas necessary to cool. Little did I know that it was a damaged part that kept leaking the coolant away. 

Like a faulty system, your website could contribute to advertising budget leakage. If you keep churning money on advertisements without any benefits, don’t pump in more money just yet. It would be wise to revisit your landing pages to understand how they fare with your audience. Your website forms a very important part of your marketing funnel. All those dollars that you spend on acquiring traffic from various marketing campaigns, they ultimately end up on your website. If your website isn’t equipped to push traffic along the sales funnel, then the money spent becomes money wasted.

Interact With Quality Leads

Potentials that take some time to interact with your website are the ones that you should keep closest to you. The only reason why they do so is that they are interested in what you have to offer. Your revenue is going to come from interested leads & interested leads primarily interact with your website. What does this mean? your website is a big contributor to your ROI.